Thursday, June 17, 2010

Music Games Can't Meet Demand: Christmas Ruined

The video game market has been recently very popular. It seems like everyone is buying video games these days. Long gone are the days of Pac-Man and Galaga, now the most popular video games are the music games. These games involve hitting a series of notes that appear on the screen, using your plastic instrument peripheral. You can play along to all of your favourite classic rock bands like "Poison" and "Fleetwood Mac".

The two biggest names in the music gaming business are Harmonix's "Rock Band" and Activision's "Guitar Hero" franchise. Both of these franchises are immensly popular, have been in the forefront of the musical video game genre. When these franchises debuted in the fall of 2007, the reaction in the public was that of pure pandemonium. Parents were frantically trying to buy these games for their children in time for Christmas.

Unfortunately neither Harmonix or Activision were able to keep up with the incredible demand for their products. Activision's CEO Robert Kotick was quoted as saying, "there's a probability that this holiday we won't be able to supply all the deman for every platform". This came just after Harmonix announced they also would probably not be able to supply the demand for all the platforms.

Theses two games were being released on muiltple gaming platforms including, the Playstation 3, the Xbox 360,and the Nintendo Wii. The game will probably not be able to match the demand on the Nintendo Wii platform. This is because the Nintendo Wii uses special musical peripherals that are unique only to the Nintendo Wii. Also the Nintendo Wii is in more households than any other of the main gaming platforms.

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